What is a PPAP?
PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) describes an productionprocess- and partrelease procrocedure which contains the mandatory requests for sampling/introduction of all items and spare parts for the Automotive Industry business. It is concerned to ISO_TS_16949 standard as well as APQP.
Most of my case studies has shown that the systematic wise proceeding will be mandatory for an successful product launch. Linked to an excellent communication interface to all concerned suppliers you can better fulfil your customer’s requirements by more transparency as well as successfully complete needed documents and achieve your target on-time for the launch.
If you are further interested into this topic you can step into a first dialog. Therefore I have prepared some questions for you as follows which also can be answered by moving the concerned slider to your requested comment. Afterwards you can leave your contact for my further proceeding.
Thank you, I appreciate for your data.
From your point of view, how has your company describe the PPAP procedure?
No description, we are proceeding each case in a pragmatic-way wise.
By a process description
By a process description and linked working instructions acc. Level 1 bis 5
Our detailed process description considering customer specific require-ments (CSR’s) as well
Who is responsible to do the PPAP procedure and are there enough resources / capacities available in order to assure a correct procedure? How is their annual capacity utilization?
There is not a unique fixed person. In case we will define once
We already cooperating with an external service provider
We have defined a certain person who is unique responsible
We have more than one person defined for PPAP procedure
How many process validations or PPAP procedures will occur approx. per year?
Less than 5
6 to 10
11 to 25
exceeding 25
Have you all necessary resources in your own site or in your contact network of suppliers, which are able to manage all necessary staff in order to fulfil the whole PPAP requirements for instance analyzes, measurements ,…etc.?
We are supplying only part measurement protocols to our customer
We know possible external service partners but we need support in project management.
Resources are partly available and add in case external service partners.
We have always the necessary resources available and keep our delivery dates for PPAP
How have you acknowledged the different PPAP levels 1 to 5 and concerned necessary documents as well as the customer specific requirements and all which mandatory to be in line with the automotive industry standard?
PPAP Levels 1 to 5 are well known. Hence all requests would be fulfilled.
We know all the content of requested documen-tation and will fulfil them acc. our best effort.
We fulfil the chapter numbers 1 to18 of the PPAP documentation as well as the customer specific requirements.
We have implemented a information system for all PPAP levels and know all relevant requirements.
How easily you are able to fulfil the customer specific requirements and all which mandatory to be in line with the automotive industry standard?
Much simple
Mid easily
Few knowledge
Might your company to cooperate with an external service provider to support in PPAP project management and documentation as well as for process validation in terms of related and concerned APQP quality gates?
Yes, we are interested to get support in mentioned PPAP topics
We have some needs to get your support in mentioned PPAP topics
We would like to evaluate and discuss a possible collaboration
We still have no needs for support, but maybe in future